While I was walking around the area outside of the Philadelphia Convention Center during the Public Library Association conference last week I was able to get the newspaper One Step Away for one dollar. The One Step Away newspaper is a type of publication I have never read before. The paper is almost entirely produced and sold by the homeless. See http://www.osaphilly.org/.

This is Philadelphia’s first newspaper produced “By those without homes for those with homes.” I do not even know if this type of endeavor is being replicated in other cities. I think it is a splendid idea. I had never linked homelessness with the publishing business before so I was impressed with the newspaper immediately.

I especially liked the article on page 8 of the paper’s March 2012 edition. In this article KT Terry discusses Philadelphia’s efforts to celebrate the lives of Whitney Houston and Don Cornelius this past February 13.

I also liked in the March 2012 edition the article on page 12 by Erik Younge in which remembers Whitney Houston. He writes, “Whitney had that gift of breaking down barriers between people, bringing us all together just by the beauty and love heard in her crystal-clear singing.” Later on he ends with the line from one of her songs, “No matter what they take from me, they can’t take away my dignity.”


  1. Dan, thank you for your words of support for One Step Away….. thanks to good people like yourself, OSA is in its 3rd year and growing daily…. serving as a strong voice in the fight to end homelessness today….. please continue to support us and whatever we can do to help you in any adventure, don’t hesitate to let us know… peace

    • Erik,
      Many thanks for your positive comments. I was glad to post quotes from your article that was written in OSA. I was impressed with the OSA paper and how the paper allows the homeless to express themselves in writing. Keep up your good work at OSA! If I find another opportunity to positively promote OSA on my blog I will certainly do it.
      Take Care